
Wednesday, 22 June 2011


Chapter VI of Part II of the Kama Sutra explores the different positions of sexual intercourse.

Kind regards,
Neil Knight



On the occasion of a "high congress" the Mrigi (Deer) woman should lie down in such a way as to widen her yoni, while in a "low congress" the Hastini (Elephant) woman should lie down so as to contract hers. But in an "equal congress" they should lie down in the natural position. What is said above concerning the Mrigi and the Hastini applies also to the Vadawa (Mare) woman. In a "low congress" the women should particularly make use of medicine, to cause her desires to be satisfied quickly.
The Deer-woman has the following three ways of lying down.
  • The widely opened position.
  • The yawning position.
  • The position of the wife of Indra.
(1). When she lowers her head and raises her middle parts, it is called the "widely opened position." At such a time the man should apply some unguent, so as to make the entrance easy.
(2). When she raises her thighs and keeps them wide apart and engages in congress, it is called the "yawning position."
(3). When she places her thighs with her legs doubled on them upon her sides, and thus engages in congress, it is called the position of Indrani, and this is learnt only by practice. The position is also useful in the case of the "highest congress."
The "clasping position" is used in "low congress," and in the "lowest congress," together with the "pressing position," the "twining position", and the "mare's position."
When the legs of both the male and the female are[60] stretched straight out over each other, it is called the "clasping position." It is of two kinds, the side position and the supine position, according to the way in which they lie down. In the side position the male should invariably lie on his left side, and cause the woman to lie on her right side, and this rule is to be observed in lying down with all kinds of women.
When, after congress has begun in the clasping position, the woman presses her lover with her thighs, it is called the "pressing position."
When the woman places one of her thighs across the thigh of her lover, it is called the "twining position."
When a woman forcibly holds in her yoni the lingam after it is in, it is called the "mare's position." This is learnt by practice only, and is chiefly found among the women of the Andra country.
The above are the different ways of lying down, mentioned by Babhravya; Suvarnanabha, however, gives the following in addition.
When the female raises both of her thighs straight up, it is called the "rising position."
When she raises both of her legs, and places them on her lover's shoulders, it is called the "yawning position."
When the legs are contracted, and thus held by the lover before his bosom, it is called the "pressed position."
When only one of her legs is stretched out, it is called the "half pressed position."
When the woman places one of her legs on her lover's shoulder, and stretches the other out, and then places the latter on his shoulder, and stretches out the other, and continues to do so alternately, it is called the "splitting of a bamboo."
When one of her legs is placed on the head, and the other is stretched out, it is called the "fixing of a nail." This is learnt by practice only.
When both the legs of the woman are contracted, and placed on her stomach, it is called the "crab's position."
When the thighs are raised and placed one upon the other, it is called the "packed position."
When the shanks are placed one upon the other, it is called the "lotus-like position."
[61]When a man, during congress, turns round, and enjoys the woman without leaving her, while she embraces him round the back all the time, it is called the "turning position," and is learnt only by practice.
Thus says Suvarnanabha, these different ways of lying down, sitting, and standing should be practised in water, because it is easy to do so therein. But Vatsyayana is of opinion that congress in water is improper, because it is prohibited by the religious law.
When a man and a woman support themselves on each other's bodies, or on a wall, or pillar, and thus while standing engage in congress, it is called the "supported congress."
When a man supports himself against a wall, and the woman, sitting on his hands joined together and held underneath her, throws her arms round his neck, and putting her thighs alongside his waist, moves herself by her feet, which are touching the wall against which the man is leaning, it is called the "suspended congress."
When a woman stands on her hands and feet like a quadruped, and her lover mounts her like a bull, it is called the "congress of a cow." At this time everything that is ordinarily done on the bosom should be done on the back.
In the same way can be carried on the congress of a dog, the congress of a goat, the congress of a deer, the forcible mounting of an ass, the congress of a cat, the jump of a tiger, the pressing of an elephant, the rubbing of a boar, and the mounting of a horse. And in all these cases the characteristics of these different animals should be manifested by acting like them.
When a man enjoys two women at the same time, both of whom love him equally, it is called the "united congress."
When a man enjoys many women altogether, it is called the "congress of a herd of cows."
The following kinds of congress, viz., sporting in water, or the congress of an elephant with many female elephants, which is said to take place only in the water, the congress of a collection of goats, the congress of a collection of deer, take place in imitation of these animals.
In Gramaneri many young men enjoy a woman that may be married to one of them, either one after the other, or at[62] the same time. Thus one of them holds her, another enjoys her, a third uses her mouth, a fourth holds her middle part, and in this way they go on enjoying her several parts alternately.
The same things can be done when several men are sitting in company with one courtesan, or when one courtesan is alone with many men. In the same way this can be done by the women of the King's harem when they accidentally get hold of a man.
The people in the Southern countries have also a congress in the anus, that is called the "lower congress."
Thus ends the various kinds of congress. There are also two verses on the subject as follows.
"An ingenious person should multiply the kinds of congress after the fashion of the different kinds of beasts and of birds. For these different kinds of congress, performed according to the usage of each country, and the liking of each individual, generate love, friendship, and respect in the hearts of women."

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Top 5 Reasons to Contact Wedding Planners for Your Big Day Preparations

"I guarantee there’ll be tough times; I guarantee that at some point, one, or both of us is gonna wanna get out of this thing; But I also guarantee, that if I don’t ask you to be mine, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life... because I know in my heart, that you’re the only one for me."
by Runaway Bride

Getting married? Here are five reasons why you should consider hiring the services of a wedding planner. 

Yours for a long & blissful marriage,
Neil Knight

Top 5 Reasons to Contact Wedding Planners for your Big Day Preparations   

by Quintessentially

Are you indecisive and anxious about how to put your ideal wedding together? Maybe you think you won't be able to plan a gorgeous wedding within your budget, or are besieged by all of the planning that is needed to make it work in the way that you would like.

A wedding is definitely the first large-scale, semi-formal event you will ever plan. It involves a large sum of money, favours, catering, clothing, hiring helpers, arranging spaces and numerous other things that seem very difficult and far too complex to manage for the majority of brides and grooms to be. To make the day special, thewedding ceremony has to be perfect and welcoming for your families, friends and colleagues. A wedding, in short, can become very distressing if not planned properly. Well - do not despair - because help is at hand.

The best way to get a fairytale happy ending on your wedding day is to contact wedding and event planners. They are trained professionals who work with couples of all denominations to organize engagement parties, church blessings, civil weddings/partnerships, religious ceremonies and honeymoons anywhere in the world.

From intimate candle-lit gatherings to lavish stately occasions, these wedding planners have access to a remarkable variety of caterers, venues, design and entertainment options and are capable of offering astonishing savings due to their connections and contacts.

Apart from this, the top 5 reasons to contact a wedding co-ordinator for your big day preparations are:

1: It saves time, money and relationships

The amount of time planning a wedding takes is 100 times the actual wedding duration. In fact, an average couple spends more than 250 hours planning their big day. Professional wedding events planners will save you time and energy by taking care of every detail. Along with that, they help you save a great deal of money because of their contacts with vendors. And of course, they can enthrall your guests with mesmerising decoration.

2: They can turn your dream wedding into reality

A lot of couples dream of their wedding day for their entire life. Wedding planning service providers work to fulfill the dreams, desires and demands of the couple and make sure that all their wishes are met (and often surpassed).

3: To create and follow schedules
Because of the many things happening during the wedding, family members and the wedding couple often cannot keep the track of timings - but the wedding planners can!

4: They handle any crisis

No matter how much planning you do, most big events will involve a small crisis, and of course nobody wants to deal with a crisis on their wedding day. Wedding events planners know how to tackle all unexpected circumstances.

5: It maximizes fun and minimizes stress! 
Contacting a wedding contractor ensures that you will have a stress-free and happywedding day.

About the Author

Make your big day exclusive by consulting luxury weddings planners. Quintessentially Weddings is bespoke weddings planning company known to arrange exclusive weddings in London. To get complete wedding benefits and reduce your stress please visit: