Cary Grant
Are you in your senior years and having difficulty with your sex-life? Pat Wiklund has some advice for you, even if you are seventy, eighty or ninety!
Yours for getting your act together again,
Neil Knight
Socrates Had the Formula for Great Senior Sex
Sometimes it takes a look back at the wisdom of the ages to get a clear perspective on a current issue. Socrates is often quoted as saying:
Bad men live that they may eat and drink. Good men eat and drink that they may live.
It's hard to know now why he said what he said, to whom he was addressing his words of wisdom, and why he thought they needed to hear it.
But, it does sum up what you want to do if you want to have a great love life.
Leave to an ancient philosopher to give us words we can use today.
Especially when it comes to having the energy and the ability to continue having a satisfying love life all life long.
What you eat and drink, the habits of every day living, are the single most important causative factor in a variety of sexual difficulties...including ED and low desire.
It's not just what goes in your mouth. It's how much and what kind that counts.
We all have been hearing how obesity is a national epidemic and a national disgrace. More people are overweight and obese today in America than at any other time in our history.
We've become so addicted and accustomed to pre-prepared food, food banks are finding much of what they offer is going to waste because the recipients don't know how to cook.
A friend and her daughter are cooking Easter dinner for the whole clan of in-laws because the relatives idea of holiday meals is going to the deli for turkey/ham slices, cartons of gravy, and salads. None of them know how to cook either a turkey or a ham, much less carve one up. Don't even think about roast beef!
In another family I know, the young men (in their mid/late twenties) will only eat fast food. A 64 oz regular soda (with lots of sugar) and some version of super sized burgers, with tons of fries loaded with salt are their primary food at least twice a day.
I don't need to tell you all of them are obese, have high blood pressure...and, no, I didn't ask about their love lives.
The sad news is, they will rue the day when they get older and no longer can get it up from all the arterial damage from their dreadful diet.
Okay, enough already. We know they will all have trouble with their love lives. It is hard to be obese, or malnourished, and be able to get an erection, have the flexibility to find a satisfying position for making love, or the stamina to stay the course.
What most people don't realize is that it also kills desire. Desire, wanting to be sexual, feeling like you'd enjoy a little love'n, is often the first to go. Your body doesn't have the fuel to fan your fires. Your neves don't make the signals, your blood vessels are clogged with fat, and it all starts to seem like too much trouble.
While these effects may be current, most young people with poor lifestyle habits, don't realize they are doing to themselves in ways that won't be visible until they are much older.
And, many older people who do see the light, and realize they did do themselves in resign themselves to "This is the way I am, and always will be. Changing now isn't going to help."
They couldn't be more wrong.
What we do know....even little changes in what you eat and how much you exercise will make a huge difference in your weight, your well being, but also your libido and your agility and interest when your honey says some version of "tonight's the night."
Desire starts to reemerge, it's easier to feel turned on, and you've got the strength and agility to go back to some of your favorite love making activities, and you'll find a spring back in your steps.
And, those changes will be effective no matter how old you are when you start cleaning up your act. Even if you're in your seventies, eighties, ninties. For men as well as women.
So, get to it!
Thinking and worrying about our health habits and lack of desire isn't enough. We need to take action. Start taking action by claiming your complimentary copy Sex Therapist Dr Pat Wiklund's latest audio learning program: more than an hour of tips, sex therapist secrets, and specific suggestions for making your senior loving more satisfying no matter how old you are or how old you get to be. Just go to==>
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